Wednesday 10 November 2010


The main purpose of this blog is a music magazine of my choice. this includes deciding the target audience, genre, and all of the other codes and conventions. i have to make this as successful as possible in order to receive a good coursework grade. 
My music magazine importantly will be non-commercial dubstep and drum'n'bass. I have chosen this because dubstep is very new to the music market and is rapidly creeping up in the charts and will imaginably by very popular as time  and charts progress. It will be UK based and will be for a target audience aged people 15-23. It is equally for males and females and is completely unisex. This would be for any race and people of any class, However, majority of them would be teenagers. I have chosen this target audience because the genre of music relates to them significantly as more young people are listening to dubstep recently and going to partys/clubs which are very dubstep and drum'n'bass based. This will be a magazine which is sold monthly and will contain up to date events and albums which are taking part in the month that the magazine is being produced. in addition to this it will contain information on the darker part of these two genres, a 'behind the scenes' view of the two genres.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

EVALUATION QUESTION 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

From my prelim task, I feel I have made major progress throughout. Just by comparing the two front covers, you can clearly see the difference in quality.

I think my skills have developed overall for example by usuing photoshop, I feel I am now alot more confident using photoshop however before i wasnt, my photography skills have also improved as the image on the prelim task is not very proffesional however I feel my music magazine image is near professional standard and captures exactly the image i was going for, i really dont think an improvement on that photoshop is possible. I have also developed my convetnional skills significantly for instance my headlines are rather dull on the prelim task but i think the headlines on the music magazine make up for the blandness of the prelim task, and the consistent font used makes the magazine look even better. 
I am extremly happy with my music magazine and i wouldnt do anything differently if I could do it again as the theme, colours and conventions all work and look very consistant


heyy my names Nathan 'Boombastic' Edwards. i am an Alevel student at la swap sixth form. i am studying Alevel sociology, business and media. this is my blog for my media studies coursework and this will enable me to publish all of my work and coursework.