Wednesday 5 January 2011

EVALUATION QUESTION 2 - Who would be the audience for my media magazine?

The music magazine i will be creating will contain a mixture of genres underground dubstep and drum’n’bass. I have chosen to combine the two as the stereotypical listener to either of these genres will listen to both. In my music magazine there will be articles, which cover a wide verity of topics other than music, just, like the music magazine i researched, The Source.  Topics will include; fashion, music, music events, lifestyle, technology, etc.

My target market is aged between 16-19. My target market does not have a specific full time job as this age period is when the move onto higher education. At this age they are mainly on a part time job, therefore they may be earning a basic salary.

My audience would listen to fair bit of music as they will need to have a solid enough knowledge about the various artists. They may be listening to music from a download illegally (e.g Limewire) or legally (e.g iTunes). They also may attend live performance of the various artists in which produce music in the same genre.
If the stereotypical point of view is taken on people will often say that my target market spends their money on alcohol, cigerettes and drugs. This view is true in some cases however, my target market often spend money on tickets to music events and attend the cinema. Therefore there spare time is mainly occupied. the other hobbies which they may take up is sport, such as; Basketball, footballl and boxing or may skateboard, bmx or take part in other extreme sports.

The type of products I will advertise in my magazine, will be items of clothing, trainers, hats, bags and technology which will have a link with the artists i am promoting and will be items desired by my target market. 

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